HLA matching
If your blood types are compatible, then your six human leukocyte antigens (HLA) will need to be compared.

HLA are antigens found on the surface of all of your cells, including the kidney cells. These antigens help your body determine if something is foreign or not, so that your immune system knows whether to fight the new kidney or not. Differences between your HLA and your donor’s HLA may cause your body to reject the new kidney, so it’s best to try to match at least some of them.

Your donor’s HLA does not have to be an exact match to yours, but the closer the match the better the chance of a successful transplant.

Begin learning about kidney transplantation here
Your organs do many things to keep you healthy If your organs don't work, you may need to have a transplant To get a transplant, you have to be tested You can't have a transplant unless someone donates an organ You can't have a transplant unless someone donates an organ You will have to have surgery to place the new organ into your body Most people feel much better after having a transplant Taking care of your new organ will help you feel healthy for years to come Home