Description of Writings

  • A Human Heart Story - Part 1: Heart to Heart - written July, 1992 (with an update to November, 1992), first of a 5 part story, this one being a day by day account of the initial hospitalization following a virus attacking the pumping chamber of the heart. Tests led to the first diagnosis of heart damage (Viral Cardiomyopathy) that would eventually lead to the Fall '94 heart transplant, the subject of most of the other articles in this collection.
  • A Human Heart Story - Part 2: The Great Adventure - written 9/14/94 (just before entering the hospital to await availability of a donor heart) - a continuation of the story of this patient's first pre-heart transplant experiences with the transplant team at HUP (Hospital of the University of PA)
  • A Human Heart Story - Part 3: With HEARTfelt Thanks - written 11/7/94 (from home after undergoing a heart transplant 10/19/94) - third in a series of five heart transplant recovery reports written in thank you to many supporters
  • A Human Heart Story - Part 4: Approaching the new century with a new heart - written 2/14/95 (from home, on short term disability leave from work) - 4th in a series of five heart transplant recovery reports written in thank you to many supporters - a Valentine's Day thank you and report of experiences during the first 3 months recovering from the 10/19/94 heart transplant
  • A Human Heart Story - Part 5: Some Days are Diamonds - written 5/15/95 (from home after returning to full employment after the heart transplant performed at HUP 6 months ago) - 5th, and final in a series of five heart transplant recovery reports written in thank you to many supporters - recollections of heart transplant recovery during the second 3 months after transplant
  • A Human Heart Story - Part 6: Back to Court - written 8/95 - 6th, and again, meant to be the final in this series, about living life to the fullest while recovering from a heart transplant. This was written specifically for the benefit of several patients undergoing very long waits at the Hospital of the University of PA fo their own heart transplants. The sharing is focused on the 3rd 3 months after transplant.
  • A Human Heart Story - Part 7: Reflections on a First Anniversary - written 10/19/95 through 10/22/95 upon the first anniversary of the heart transplant last Oct. 19th. This is meant to be the final, final chapter of this collection, and shares a series of recollections over the past 12 months about what it is like to be living the miracle of a "second" life. Come join us as we host an open house for family and friends to share in celebrating this milestone in our lives together.
  • A Human Heart Story - Part 8: Approaching a Second Anniversary - written 8/19/1996 as we approach the second anniversary of the heart transplant done Oct. 19th, 1994. Highlights include preparations for participation in the Transplant Games '94 in SLC, changes in meds, and general reflections of life in general along with stories of news friends and "coincidences" that may be much more than they seem.
  • The following monographs each deal with a subject of common interest to transplant patients and are titled: A Transplant Patient's Experiences with ...
  • ...Motivation and Boredom - this heart transplant patient's experiences with staying motivated and avoiding boredom while awaiting a donor heart in the hospital
  • ...Exercise - this heart transplant patient's experiences with exercise from initial disease detection through transplant-plus-6-months recovery point
  • ...Medications - this heart transplant patient's experiences with medications from initial disease through transplant plus 6 months recovery point
  • ...Weight Change - this heart transplant patient's experiences with change in weight from the 270lbs upon first hospitalization, through loss down to 202lbs at transplant, and subsequent gains/losses up to the 7 month recovery point
  • ...Nutrition - this heart transplant patient's experiences with the role nutrition plays in the hospitalization and recovery periods
  • ...Rejection - this heart transplant patient's experiences with rejection of the new heart at transplant-plus-3 months recovery point
  • ...Fear, Faith & Facing Death - this heart transplant patient's experiences with facing death as the heart started to fail again - despite increased medications - after 5 weeks in the hospital awaiting a new heart
  • ...Heart Transplant Surgery - this heart transplant patient's experience in the actual surgery of the transplant operation, including immediate preparation and post-op recollections
  • ...Biopsies - this heart transplant patient's experiences with the regular biopsies through transplant-plus-6 months recovery point
  • ...Support of Family & Friends - this heart transplant patient's experience with a strong support system of family and friends and its benefit to the recovery process
  • ...Returning to Work - this heart transplant patient's experience with returning to full employment, including some general principles for others facing the same opportunity
  • ...Potpourri - this heart transplant patient's experiences that don't fit into any specific category of these monographs, but need to be shared anyway
  • ... A Transplant Patient's Family & Friends' Experiences/Feelings/Copings - a collection of sharings by family and friends reflecting on their experiences and feelings coping with the patient's heart transplant (a very special reading)
  • Simple Gifts of Life - written spring '94 - reflections of a grateful receiver on the simple gifts in life, bodily functions that we enjoy every day without notice . This was done just after a bout with pneumonia and recovery from CHF (congestive heart failure).
  • Letterman's List - parody on the infamous "10 Best" lists - this one gives the 10 best remarks overheard while visiting this heart transplant patient at HUP
  • Life is Good - written 10/27/94 (8 days after having a heart transplant) - reflections on the miracle of each new day, from the perspective of this heart transplant recipient immediately before and after the actual transplant
  • The Gift - a short poem, written by Bill Kolacy (the heart transplant patient's brother-in-law) reflecting on the question by the patient of the purpose behind God's gift of life after experiencing a heart transplant
  • Miracles, Miracles, Miracles - written Thanksgiving 1994 (while at home recovering from the heart transplant performed 10/19/94) - reflecting on the gift of today at Thanksgiving time after receiving the gift of a new heart
  • Final Note - short quote from Erma Bombeck's book: If I Had My Life to Live Over
  • Suppose - written by poet Wm. Kolacy, this poem reflects on the "what if..." of life's void when we fail to respond to its calling
  • Friend - poetic reflection on visiting an old friend before its too late
  • When Work is Not Work - a short reflection of the concept that work is not really work if one truely is enjoying the effort
  • The Cookie Monster Club - an informal organization based on the concept of special people who start each day with positive expectation - looking for the good in everyone they come in contact with. These people are nicknamed "Cookie Monsters" because they naturally seek out , collect and share the "free cookies" offered us in life every day!
  • Thanks - a thank you note written to the heart donor's loved ones by the grateful recipient of that heart
  • Today - short poem celebrating the blessing of "Today"
  • Drinking from a Saucer - poem about being blessed with life's "cup runneth over"
  • "On Living a Full Life" - poem about living life to its fullest by Amanda Bradley
  • A Gift - a poem of thanks to the transplant team and other medical professionals
  • The Total Heart - a heart transplant patient reviews the Mayo Clinic's computer program available for the home/office PC (personal computer)
  • A Personal Medication Document format - sample format for a heart transplant patient's personal record of medications to be carried on their person and stored at home for reference and emergency use
  • A Patient's Guide to Some Recommended Hospital Reading - a short list of support books I found helpful through a time of challenge waiting and finally undergoing a heart transplant
  • A Personal Daily Nutrition Diary form - sample format for tracking daily eating with provisions for tracking quantities, calories, sodium, fats, fluids, exercise, place and activity while eating

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